Saturday, June 7, 2014


I went though a period where I was really into books about Near Death Experiences. It started when I went to this training on positive psychology, and the presenter said that the book My Descent Into Death, by Howard Storm, is the only written account of someone who went to hell before he went to heaven. 

I already knew all the stuff about positive psychology since that's one of my areas of expertise, but the story about this guy got my attention. I had to find out what someone could have done that would be bad enough to go to hell. It was surprisingly innocuous. But I'll save that story for another post.

One of the things that struck me the most in the book was Storm's assertion that we are capable of communicating with other people without words and across space and time. I've always felt this was true--especially with people whom you've known. You know that expression about someone tugging at your heartstrings? That's how I imagine it happens. Some invisible wire connects your heart to theirs when you meet someone, and you can communicate with them through this wire.

I actually tested this out last week. I was thinking about this guy and I texted him later to find out if he could feel it, and he said he did. He named the time of day and everything. And he's not someone who would ordinarily be thinking about me. 

Sometimes I've tried to communicate with people after a break up. Usually there are things that I want to say that I no longer have the opportunity to say. Things that I could never say in person, or that I didn't realize at the time. 

For the longest time I was mad at my first husband for ruining our marriage. But every now and then I'll remember something about the way I treated him, and I'll tell him that I understand why he had to leave. That I'm not mad anymore. It makes me feel better to think that I can still tell him things, even if we never see each other again.

This is also the book that went into great detail about how angels play a role in our day-to-day life. So when there are important messages that need to be delivered, I pray that God will send an angel to someone. My high school teacher and her daughter recently lost their husband/father, so I've asked God to send extra angels their way to surround them with strength and love. He can even take some of mine if they need more. Sometimes that's what I do for clients, too, when I don't know how else to help them.

You know that confrontation problem I mentioned in my last post? So far, the closest I've come to telling him that he needs to get on meds is to ask an angel to whisper it into his ear while he's sleeping. Because if the message comes from God, he might believe it. If it comes from me, not so much.

Maybe I can even do the same thing I did with my friend: ask him if he's gotten any messages from God lately. If nothing else, it could be a good opening for the conversation.


Unknown said...

Hi Christy,

Firstly I just wanted to say that your blog is great! I have been suffering with depression and anxiety for as long as I can remember, and I have recently gone back on medication to try and manage it a bit better. I love this post, as I have recently started reading a lot about near death experiences as well. I love the honesty in your posts, keep up the great work!

Emily xx

Christy said...

Thanks Emily! I appreciate the feedback!